WEEK 1 - Intern Diary

 DAY 1 - Vega Innovation

Learned the serial communication types other than RS-232,SPI and I2C

RS-485 : Faster, than its predecessor RS232 and can have a range of 400 feet. 
Can connect about 32 devices 
Than I2C - can send more data with more speed. 

The ESP-32 has several classes
  •     S-Class                   :  Uses WIFI, Bluetooth LOW POWER .
  •     Normal Class         :  Uses WIFI, Bluetooth LOW POWER and Normal Bluetooth.  
  •     Commercial Class : Uses a proprietary OS instead of RTOS.

Installing the  ESP-IDF plugin to VScode and debugging the errors in installing it
  •  Make sure the directory name has no spaces.
  • Make sure the code has the same name as directory.
  • Code runner cannot be used in Ardiuno or ESP IDF rather its inbuilt compiler is supposed to be used which is in the left bottom of the panel

Learning TOPICS

  • NB-IOT (Narrowband-Internet of Things), 
  • LTE-M(Long Term Evolution for Machines)
  • RTOS (Real-time operating system) : 
    • Event-driven – switches tasks only when an event of higher priority needs servicing; called preemptive priority, or priority scheduling.
    • Time-sharing – switches tasks on a regular clocked interrupt, and on events; called round robin.
  • Monolithic Kernels and Micro Kernels
  • LoRA (Long Range _Communication

  • ESP32S

 DAY 2 - Vega Innovation

Learned the serial communication types other than RS-232,SPI and I2C

Serial data Comm

CAN - Controller Area Networks
CAN is a multi-master serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units
refer wikipedia

Refer https://copperhilltech.com/blog/controller-area-network-can-bus-tutorial-message-frame-format/

4 types of CAN Frames

UART In works

Break Down oF Uart

Real Time Operating System
There are several types
- Hard Time - Time is essential(ATMS) 
- Firm Time  - Time must be exactly strictly maintained(Airbag)
- Soft time   -Calculator

Dependant on 
    Time driven
    Event driven

In typical designs, a task has three states:

Running (executing on the CPU);
Ready (ready to be executed);
Blocked (waiting for an event, I/O for example)

ESP32 Circuit Diagram

Using the different architectures and instruction sets in ESP32 and the use of RTOS on it.
We usually use Amazon's free RTOS but there are other alternatives like mongoos (FOSS) and QNX (Proprietary).
Each OS has inherently different advantages.

MQTT - Message Queing Telemetry Transmission (Protocol for IOT deivce communication)

Serial Communication:  https://circuitdigest.com/tutorial/serial-communication-protocols

DAY 3 - Vega Innovation

Learning more about the modules, functions and similar codes in C for the ESP32
Free() function : Removes the memory lock from melloc,calloc and other functions.
Logging in ESP32 -Uses the JTAG for it

Learning the OTA update system for the EVCU-Electrical Vehicle Controller Unit
USes the STM32 microcontroller - STM32 Cube IDE(IDE)
And the SPC570S microcontroller  - SP5 studio (IDE) and UDE (debugger)

Flash the SPC570S using JTAG debugger and using the debugger monitor the firmware using the EVCU.

Setup to flash the Jtag of the EVCU- uses ext.power supply 
And CAN to apply the OTA upadate

DAY 4- Vega Innovation

Learn to create a pull request in github and merge changes.
Creating a branch so that edits can be made in the duplicate and merged finally to the ,ain branch.

Learn Code Composer Studio  and the architecture  behind programming the C2000 microcontroller(by texas Instruments)

DAY 5- Vega Innovation

Learning the C language furthur and make modifications in the giveen codes
Learn about the SMD coponents sed 
Learned abiut the different types of Capacitors 
Learnt about SIFFS,freeFS, FREERTOS functions, SD card usage in ESP32, and application of FAT in eSP

Learn that there are hardware accelerated encryption and an ULP-(ultra low power) coprocessor
Learnt about the ESP 32 in depth and the different variants in it.

Learnt to fing the MAC address in the ESP32 


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